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Monkey Tales


Monkey Tales Books

The Monkey Tales book  series consists of four stories and a colouring in book created at STARTTS for use with 0-5 year olds with their parents from refugee-like backgrounds.

The books can be used to assist with trauma recovery and development, along with a list of the songs (updated recordings will be available soon) and other suitable songs, created specifically to help children and their parents with refugee experiences.

The song-stories include:

How is the Monkey Feeling Now?
A story about different feelings and how to help your child express them and manage them.

We went to the Bush Today
A story about separation and reunion, as well as an opportunity to vocalise.

Slow and Stop—The Running Song
A series of actions that help the child and parent to “regulate” or manage different levels of energy and stress.

The Monkeys Built a House
A story about resilience and shared problem solving.


© STARTTS 2020
These works (Monkey Tales book series) are copyright: it may be reproduced in whole or in part for personal use, study, group work or training purposes subject to the inclusion of an acknowledgement of the source. It may not be reproduced for commercial usage or sale. Reproduction for purposes other than those indicated above requires written permission from STARTTS.

© STARTTS 2019, Artist: Helen Kirk

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