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Culturally and Therapeutically Savvy Engagement with Learners and their Families with Refugee Experience

By Rafik Tanious, School Liaison Counsellor/Project Officer Rural and Regional NSW, STARTTS

Image credit: Steve Snodgrass
16 October 2020

How do we make education engage with the life-worlds of learners and families with refugee experience?

One of the primary challenges of our educational systems is related to how we can best connect schools with the communities that access education and include the rich ‘life worlds’ that communities bring into the learning environment so we can all be enriched by each individual’s capacity to uniquely participate.

This is not a goal that can be easily legislated or achieved through simple ‘policy’ and practice directives. It requires critical reflection on action practices centred around the needs of learners and an understanding of how our own perceptions are shaped by our life worlds.

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